Gulf Coast St. David’s Welsh Society Membership $10 per person due January 1 through March 1 annually

Please make check payable to “Gulf Coast St. David’s Welsh Society” and send to:

Treasurer Gulf Coast St David's Welsh Society, Inc.

PO Box 19343 Gulf Gate Post Office,

Sarasota, FL 34279

Please print:



Other address________________________________________________________________________________________

Preferred phone______________________________Preferred email____________________________________________

I (We) give permission for our names and/or photos to be used on the website _____yes _____no Optional information:

Birthday(s)-year optional_______________________________________________________________________________


Do you speak Welsh?__________________________________________________________________________________

Where in Wales did you or your family live?_________________________________________________________________

I (We) are interested in learning more about the Welsh: _____ Language _____ Music _____ Customs _____ Food _____ History _____ Genealogy _____
